My mother, in the most difficult of life’s challenges, would suddenly give this little laugh and say, “God is in His heavens!” What was she saying? “God is still in control…and He has me and all things in His hands. And in Him, I will Overcome, no matter what the situation! This was as true for my mom at her death two days before her 90th birthday as it was from the moment she believed in Jesus and through all the challenges of life that followed. And it is still true for you..and for me. Where do you need to remember and embrace it brand new? In this series we look at three places where perhaps we forget and need to remember anew as God’s Spirit gently touches our souls that in Jesus we can Overcome in every situation!
Sunday, February 5, 2023 When Fear Grips Us
It can come suddenly or it can be a long “dread” in the same direction. Fear. Where does it tend to grip your heart? Where is it gripping your heart right now? Today, we focus on God meeting us in our fears with His power, grace, and wisdom.
Traditional Service
Modern Service
Sunday, February 12, 2023 When Loneliness is Our Companion
Have you been here?...in a lonely place. Researchers tell us we are more lonely than we have ever been…..that fully 50% of us don’t have one person to talk to. There are lots of reasons we fall into that place of loneliness being our constant companion. But no matter the reason, the one and only God meets us in that place with His presence and His guidance.
Traditional Service
Modern Service
Sunday, February 19, 2023 When Worry/Anxiety Overwhelms Us
I was reading an article the other day which stated that one out of every three people in America suffer from depression and anxiety. Whether or not you agree with this statistic, it does seem to be a common struggle. How about you? Where have you struggled with anxiety and worry? It is in this place where God would meet you today in His grace and power.
Traditional Service
Modern Service