in Jesus name
Thank you for considering a volunteer role in our ministry! Each position is vital to the mission of sharing life, creating friendships and inspiring hope. Read a brief overview of our ministry teams and then contact the Ministry Action Team leaders regarding current opportunities.
Through marketing and communications, invite people into a relationship with Jesus Christ and into our church family where they hear and experience the Gospel.
Contact: Kelly Ohling
Recognize gifts, abilities, and passions of believers of all ages, developing them for service and leadership in the family of Christ; make disciples who make disciples.
Contact: Jason Post
Student Ministry
5th - 12th grade discipleship on Sundays, The 5th - 8th graders meet on Wednesday nights during the school year. We are also always looking for service projects, retreats and youth gatherings. Serve as a short term support volunteer or as a teacher/mentor to invest long term in the lives of young adults.
Contact: Julia Tougas
Family Ministry
Facilitate Kid’s Grow Nursery (0-3), and Kid’s Discovery (4-4th grade) weekly. Their goal is to provide a loving and fun environment for children to know Jesus. They manage Kids Town as well as annual family events: VBS, Trunk or Treat, and Easter Egg Hunt.
Contact: Jen Casey
Provide a welcoming environment through authentic, sincere, and loving Christian hospitality so that people connect with God and with one another.
Contact: Gwen Frederick
Empower and encourage Christians to go into our community and world to live missionally as witnesses of Jesus. Serve as a bridge to our partner organizations (Everyone Matters Ministry, Acres of Hope and Feed My Starving Children).
Contact: Julia Tougas
Worship Arts
Design and implement creative elements of worship planning including technology (audio/visual). This would include choir, praise band, organists, creative arts, e.g., dance, drama, and all that audio visual and tech stuff that we rely on.
Contact: Marco Mejia
Serve as an usher, greeter, communion assistant, altar guild support, pray-er, and lector. The worship ministry action team prepares and tears down the worship environment weekly.
Contact: Dave Clawson
Food and beverage service for the Cafe and Kitchen during Sunday worship services and midweek special events.
Contact: Mike Benton
Human Care
Through prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit, the Human Care Ministry Action Team will be the catalyst to bringing a future that is in alignment with God’s will for those in our Congregation and for others in need.
Contact: Ron Ohling
Maintaining and coordinating the growing needs of our building. Create a positive and inviting first impression through environment.
Contact: Kelly Ohling