Ministry Tools at St. Matthew
Tools to Share Life, Create Friendships & Inspire Hope
St. Matthew uses a simplified, user friendly app to manage groups, serving schedules, calendars, online forms, child check-in, and giving. The APP gives each of us the tools to connect our families, fulfill our mission together, and personally live out our calling. Through the system our church members and staff are able to…
See Events in the Master Calendar
Give Easily and Securely
Submit Online Forms
Access a Membership Directory
Check in kids to Children’s Church
We want to keep current and up-to-date contact information for your family. As big changes take place we want to walk beside you and your loved ones. As usual, all of this information is secure and confidential. The system puts the power in your hands to update what is relevant and only share what you’re comfortable with to other members.
Visit the church center web portal or download the church center app for mobile. Either way, you’ll be able to access your personal information to make updates, upload a photo and stay in the loop.
If you’re new to online giving: Welcome to ease and freedom in generosity! Your profile may or may not be in the system. Visit https://stmatthewrocklin.churchcenter.com/giving to learn more and get set up.
Check-Ins are available at kiosks in the lobby and on your mobile device.
Enter your phone number at an iPad kiosk in the lobby...or check in on your phone!
Select who you're checking in and set their classroom. It will be preselected next time.
A name tag will print for each child along with a pick-up label for your family.
You can even pre-check your family on the way to church using the Church Center app. When you arrive scan the QR code, grab your name tags, and be on your way!
Contact Jen Casey (jcasey@stmatthewrocklin.com) for more information
Our master calendar for facility/resource reservations gives a snapshot of everything our church has planned. Access the calendar easily from the church center app or web portal and subscribe to see everything on your mobile calendar app.
Online Forms
Don’t hesitate to reach out to office@stmatthewrocklin.com to get help regarding anything Church Center!