Good News Me!
Good News. We all need it – right? That is what the reality of Jesus is meant to be for us and for all people. In every condition and situation, in every challenge and disappointment, in every tragedy and even in the face of death, the reality of the cross of Jesus is meant to bring Good News. This is our focus in these weeks leading up to Easter. To see, know, and receive the Good News in every situation of our lives….and to see and know how to Good News another!
Sunday, Februay 26, 2023 “I Am Not Worthy….”
All of humanity knows deep down that something is not right. Something is broken. We are broken. (After all, have you ever heard anyone say, “Everything is perfect! I wouldn’t change a thing!) Interestingly, the Bible agrees with us. It talks about this thing called sin and the number of ways that it has affected us that is the problem. Then it says that the Gospel – literally the GOOD NEWS- that is Jesus is meant to destroy the power of sin in our lives. Today, God wants to “Good News You” right where we need it…and then He wants you to give it away!
Traditional Service
Modern Service
Sunday, March 5, 2023 “Jesus, Don’t You Care?...”
What makes you afraid? What makes you feel weak a powerless? What is so powerful and so great that when you come face to face with it, you are frozen in fear and inactivity? Where has your weakness made you feel hopeless that anything can change. Where do you defeated and helpless? The “Good News” today is for you! receive and to give away!
Traditional Service
Modern Service
Sunday, March 12, 2023 “Even Me?...”
Once, when I was in college, I had 7 unpaid and overdue parking tickets. (Long story.) I had forgotten about them but then I saw them in my glove box of my car. For days I carried the burden of being guilty and expecting the hammer to fall. Finally, I was able to get to the courthouse, taking a large sum of money with me. But the women at the window doublechecked and then told me they had no record of them. I was free! How about you? Are you carrying guilt around? If so, today’s Good News is about the freedom Jesus brings! receive and to give away!
Traditional Service
Modern Service
Sunday, March 19, 2023 “A Place At the Table…”
Have you ever been “on the outside looking in?” Have you somehow gotten the message that you just don’t belong? That somehow, there is something WRONG WITH YOU? Have you ever done this to another? If so, today’s Good News is for you! receive and to give away!
Traditional Service
Modern Service
Sunday, March 26, 2023 “Help Me!”
“Help me, please!” Have you ever been there? Have you ever had the joy of being there for another? Today’s Good News is that Jesus is always there in His overwhelming power and love!...For you to receive and to give away!
Traditional Service
Modern Service
Sunday, April 2, 2023 Palm Sunday “See, Your KING Comes to YOU!”
The chosen people of God were conquered, humiliated, and helpless. Then Jesus came as their king. Today, the Good News is that He comes as Your King! be received and to be given away!
Traditional Service
Modern Service