
By Lindsay Hausch

This year your Easter celebration will look a lot different.

But this year, it may look most like the very first Easter.

The disciples weren’t in church pews dressed in their Sunday best, they were huddled and hiding in a home, grief stricken and uncertain of what the future held in store.

Sadness transformed into celebration when they got to meet the resurrected Jesus—the most spectacular display of God’s power—visited them in their home—letting Thomas inspect his hands.

After that first Easter,  the early church emerged into something like “house churches” that gathered to pray and worship together in homes.

It was the growth in faith and fellowship that emerged from time spent together, praying and sharing Jesus’ teachings.

I want to share a word with you that isn’t the most popular Easter theme—but its important—hiddenness

Paul writes to the Colossians:

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 
For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.

When we look at a tree, our minds go first to their size—to their large leafy boughs, to the shade they provide, beautiful juicy fruit we can pick from them.

We don’t spend much time considering  how the hardest work is done in the unseen depths of the soil as it grows roots to sustain and bear its weight.

Hiddenness is an important theme in Easter also. We hide eggs—which is a big deal in my house—but why?

Easter eggs remind us of the empty tomb—the hidden work that Jesus did in the tomb.

We talk about the work Jesus did for us on the cross—and often we skip straight to Easter morning—but what about the hidden work that the Spirit of God did in raising Jesus from the dead in the tomb?

Paul tells us:

The Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.

So I know this week looks different, I know Easter morning will be quieter, slower…but let’s lean into what God is showing us.

In unknown places His Spirit is at work preparing a future for us, for our churches that we wouldn’t imagine for ourselves.

Right now is a time that we hide ourselves in Him as he grows and strengthens us for the season ahead. Let us grow our roots as we spend time reading his word, praying, sharing stories of his goodness, and asking questions.

Our future feels especially hidden as life has changed into a waiting game—but I want to remember this: whatever He has in store for us, the Spirit whose power lives in the resurrected Jesus, also lives in us.


BIO: Lindsay is married to Pastor Nathan. She will be continuing to share her words on here. but you can also read more by her on her blog: www.lindsaykhausch.com

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