Live with Strength Beyond Your Own

by Lenore Buth

No doubt you've heard the saying, "Crisis Reveals Character."

It hangs around because it's true. 

Right now every part of everybody's life feels turned upside-down. 

On top of that, some of us are dealing with the unexpected--and perhaps unwanted--in our personal lives.

Getting through a crisis or dealing with a setback may feel as slow as if we were wading through molasses. That's life.

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But we still get to choose how we get from here to there.

Will we gripe and groan? 

Or will we smile and be glad we have strength to keep going?

Hard times show us what we're made of 

A friend my husband worked with often trotted out catchy sayings like this:   

"A diamond is just a chunk of coal that made good under pressure." 

Under pressure. You don't want it, I don't want it, but life is filled with times we're pressed to our limits.

Think of people you know who learned and grew because they had no other choice.

  • Their employer announced a new business plan and their job went bye-bye

  • An illness or accident altered their capabilities and they had to retrain

  • A financial loss forced them to change their way of living and downsize plans for the future  

Then there's Covid-19, which knocked everything off-kilter and nobody seems to know what's coming next.  

As with every other crisis, whether it's "out there" or in our personal lives, some people will go on and thrive. Others will fall apart and never recover.

It all depends on what we're made of and who we think is in charge.

We Christians can stand firm on solid ground  

In times like these we go back to what we know for sure:

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.  --Hebrews 13:8  NIV

Our Bibles brim with stories of heroes of faith who kept going no matter what. One constant thread runs through every account: They depended on the Lord for strength. 

At some point they realized they were not enough on their own and asked God's help. That's how they survived. Endured. Came through tragedy without being crushed.  

So can we. 

Whatever we're going through, even the hardest of the hard stuff, when we trust in Jesus, he will guide us and enable us so we make it through. Day by day. Moment by moment.  

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.  --Isaiah 41:10  ESV 

What if all we see in our life is problems?

We've all been there and some of us are there right now. Perhaps we're worn down to a nub and see no sense in any of it.

What then?

Countless generations of Christians would say, Hang on. Your loving Father has not turned away from you. He watches over you in hard times as well as good times. His love never changes, whether you're on a mountaintop or in the deepest valley. Walk with him.

HE knows the best way through to take us where HE knows we belong.

Those earlier believers knew what's true for us, too. Our relationship with God the Father is a gift based solely on Jesus' death and resurrection.

He loves us, not because we're good enough or because we've fulfilled some list of requirements. It's all by grace. 

Therefore, since we have been made right in God's sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.  --Romans 5:1 LNT

By faith alone, in Christ alone.

Does that mean we won't have problems? Shouldn't have problems?

No. We live in the real world, remember? The world messed up by sin.

So what are we to do in times of trial?

Count it all joy, my brothers [and sisters,] when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.  --James 1:2-3 ESV

Count it all joy, is he kidding? No. We're meant to learn and grow stronger through our tough times so that we can pass on what we've been given.

All praise to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the source of every mercy and the God who comforts us. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others.  --2 Corinthians 1:3-4a LNT

No experience is ever wasted in the life of God's children 

What you're caught in right now may make no sense to you in this moment. Later you will understand how our faithful God used it to bless you.

That’s why Christians down through the centuries have loved Romans 8:28, because they’ve seen its truth in their own lives.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

When we're feeling drained from the struggle, we take this promise on faith and it balms our aching hearts. 

Repeat it over and over. Let these words sink down and strengthen you and give you comfort.

It's all about who HE is

Jesus loved you and me and all the world enough to give his life on the cross, so we already know how much God loves us. This is not an iffy love that depends on our being strong.

God looks at us through Jesus and counts us perfect.

Any crisis that comes—or seems to go on forever—will not, cannot break us because our strength lies in belonging to Jesus and leaning on him, trusting him to carry us through. We, too, can say, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.”

Whatever comes, we can be at peace, knowing our loving Father is growing us to be stronger. In our faith and yes, in our character.


Lenore Buth is glad to be part of the St. Matthew family of believers. Her work includes newspaper and magazine articles, as well as several books and materials for Concordia Publishing House. Since 2008, every week she posts her thoughts on faith and life through her personal blog: