The Beauty in the Separation

By Melissa Carr

I’m not saying this time is easy. I’m not going to pretend I have it all figured out. I’ve laughed about the things I have pulled out for Grant [our 3-year-old in 2 weeks] to do them almost cried when water beads and sprinkles, forts, playdoh, bikes, dinosaurs and other treasures are absolutely everywhere in our house. 

My husband, Mike, and I were making a video to send to our elderly friend last night that he could see over email  because his wife can no longer visit him at his assisted living apartment due to Covid-19, and we know that’s hard on both of them. After texting his wife and making the video we sat together both in tears because of the beauty and connection that can actually come from this time!  We both truly see how this time is making people slow down and hopefully be the people God created us to be! This, my Christian friends is a way to see and realize that Christianity is not just on Sundays or when convenient, Sundays are to help fill us  so we can GO into go into the World and reflect Jesus (even if this is connecting through the phone or internet or mail). 

These days are unknown. We have never experienced anything like this before. Let’s do our best to show love in whatever way we can! Please don’t forget about those who live alone, who are elderly, who don’t have transportation, our precious teachers who are navigating a new life, people who haven’t ever worked from home trying to understand what that means. Pray for our kids who may not have a graduation and our kids who have special needs and aren’t having their needs met without their resources at their schools. Pray for the kids and Adults in bad living situations who cannot escape them during this time. 

Please be a good neighbor, friend and family member! Check in on people, check in with your own family members in your own house and be good to yourself! Self-care is so important!  Please let me know if you need someone to check in on you and I will do it! I think beautiful things are going to come from this crazy time! You can be a part of that beauty! 



***Also, if you have kids at home that love to color or write, let me know! I’d love to get your pictures and notes and send them to people from our church that are in nursing homes or by themselves!  Adults you can get into this too!  If you would write a note to some of our elderly members and shut ins, we would love to get them to them!  Please contact me ( for ways I can get them for you or feel free to mail them to St. Matthew Lutheran Church 3785 Placer Corporate Dr. Suite 600 Rocklin, CA 95765  ***