Surreal Situation. Real God.

By Sarah Cusson (Gyor, Hungary)

In the last week or so since I wrote to all of you, our situation here in Hungary has changed rapidly. Coronavirus has not spread quickly, but the Hungarian government is doing everything they can to try and continue to keep it that way. The number of cases (less than 20) are still centered, for the most part, around the capital of Budapest, which is about 75 miles away from us.

All borders are either closed or tightly monitored. From Monday, all schools, preschools, and daycares will be closed. Teachers will teach all courses online. People are encouraged to avoid all unnecessary gatherings, and any gatherings over 100 people have been forbidden.


Yesterday, I had to go up to the capital to a government office to try and get my Hungarian driver's license. We had to wait outside and maintain a distance of 5 feet from those working there. At the end of my interaction, I said something like that all we can do is trust in our good God. In Hungary, people say this all the time (even those who are not particularly religious), but she told me that I can't say that since not all people believe in God. I told her nicely that may be true, but I am not one of those people, and wished her a nice day (no matter what she believed). In a time of perceived crisis, there are so many who are searching for something to hold on to, and we have the sure and certain hope in the Savior of the world that we can reflect to them. Please pray for us here, as I pray for all of you, especially in these surreal and sometimes difficult times.

Sending love and joy to you all in Jesus,


P.S. - My girls and I enjoy ice matter what the situation. My dad tells me that Jesus and ice cream can pretty much help solve anything :)