Doing Life with Jesus
Jesus said, “Come, follow me.” (Mark 1:17) This is Jesus’ invitation to the life we all seek, given to the first disciples and to us. The simple, yet profound message of Jesus is that our purpose, meaning, and fulfillment is found only in Him; as we follow Him.
In this time between Christmas and Easter we will work through the Gospel of Mark together, one chapter a week, exploring what this means as we join His first disciples in hearing His words, walking in His footsteps, and knowing His heart. What does it mean to be a disciple – a follower of Jesus? What does it look like? What does it entail? How does it inform how I see myself and my world?... How I think? How I feel? What I say and what I do? Together, as we walk through the book of Mark, our prayer is that God, the Holy Spirit, will show us and empower us to receive it and to live in it. For this is what we were created for! This is His gift to us!
So, here is the “one-two step” of our immersion in Mark together as we look to follow Jesus. In this way, we will have worked through the first 13 chapters of Mark by Palm Sunday, which ushers in the last three chapters of the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Thus, we will work through the entire book!
1. Before each Sunday (beginning January 19th) we would invite you to read through the corresponding chapter of Mark (the first chapter for week one etc.) two or three times, asking yourself, “What is the Holy Spirt teaching me here?” And “What am I supposed to do about it?”
2. The week following each Sunday, we will give you some questions that we would invite you to work through with a group of Christians, if at all possible, as well as prayer suggestions. There is something powerful about coming together in groups to grow as disciples of Jesus!
It is so exciting for me to work through an entire Gospel together with all of you! It is a joy to give everyone an opportunity to do this! I know that God will be at work in each of us as His Spirit touches us through His Word and I look forward with great anticipation to see what He will do! I hope and pray that YOU will be able to be a part of it!
Mark 1- The Panorama- January 16, 2022
Classic Worship
Modern Worship
Mark 2- Breaking the Rules- January 23, 2022
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Modern Worship
Mark 3- January 30, 2022
Classic Worship
Modern Worship
Mark 4- Kingdom Stories- February 6, 2022
Classic Worship
Modern Worship
Mark 5- The Power of Story- February 13, 2022
Classic Worship
Modern Worship
Mark 6- Remember Who the Real Enemy Is- February 22, 2022
Classic Worship
Modern Worship
Mark 7- The Heart of the Matter- February 27, 2022
Classic Worship
Modern Worship
Mark 8- March 6, 2022
Classic Worship
Modern Worship
Light…Questions…Faith…Peace Mark 9- March 13, 2022
Classic Worship
Modern Worship
Sin and Grace Mark 10- March 20, 2022
Classic Worship
Modern Worship
Mark 11- March 27, 2022
Classic Worship
Modern Worship
Mark 12- April 3, 2022
Classic Worship
Modern Worship
Mark 13- April 10, 2022
Classic Worship
Modern Worship
April 14, 2022 Maundy Thursday
April 15, 2022 Good Friday
Breaking Out… Living It Up! April 17, 2022 Easter
Classic Worship
Modern Worship
Fill In The Blank- Mark 16- April 24, 2022
Classic Worship
Modern Worship