How would you make the world a better place?
Jesus changes lives, and He uses us to do it. Over the next two years, we are focused on collecting our church’s resources for ONE FUND.
We are One Church, with One Vision, and One Fund.
This single fund will support all ministry, allowing us to put dollars toward the specific areas God has put on our hearts to move the mission forward. Our goal is 100% engagement. We want to challenge everyone to take a step to help us make this vision a reality, knowing that a step taken in generosity leads to growth as a disciple.
Here is how we will say “YES” to what God is putting on our hearts…
In the area of SHARE LIFE, that is
Celebrating the gift of Jesus’ grace through worship:
• Invest in our worship venues and experiences so we can connect more effectively with both our multigenerational congregation, and with those that God brings to us, so that we together can encounter Jesus in His Grace.
• Invest in our hospitality ministry so that it demonstrates the generosity of God and creates a meaningful and memorable experience for guests to connect with the family of faith at St. Matthew.
In the area of CREATE FRIENDSHIPS, that is
Growing in Christ through His Word in authentic relationships:
• Invest in our Life Group ministry to support Life Groups and raise up more leaders, so that everyone who calls St. Matthew home, or wants to follow after Jesus with St. Matthew, can have a Life Group.
• Invest in our community space to make it a more natural place to connect and develop relationships with others.
• Invest in the people that God has chosen to be a part of St. Matthew to help them become the followers and leaders that He has made them to be.
In the area of INSPIRE HOPE, that is
Sharing Jesus’ love in the places He has planted us:
• Continue our efforts in supporting our ministry partners, deepening the relationships that we have been developing with Everyone Matters Ministry, Acres of Hope, and Feed My Starving Children.
• Additionally, we believe that God is inviting us to reach beyond the walls of our church in three ways:
○ Send out teams to be the hands and feet of Jesus in another community.
○ Start a preschool at our current facility, in order to connect with young families that He is bringing to our community.
○ Plant a new community of faith in another location.
We want to have an IMPACT. The Church is God’s plan for changing and reaching the world. Our generosity pours into God’s purpose, as we say YES, as a church, to the opportunities God is placing before us.
Our Goal for total giving to support this vision over the next 2 years is $3.6 Million. We believe that God is calling each of us to bold faith. As we say YES to God, we will see lives changed through Kingdom IMPACT. How will you respond to make this vision a reality?